A long‭, ‬long time ago‭, ‬there lived a lake god Aidi Dinga,who was the ancestor of the Rukai tribe‭, ‬in Daluoba Ling Lake‭, ‬surrounded by clouds and mists‭. ‬Nen‭, ‬her clear eyes and elegant posture‭, ‬deeply attracted the lake god‭.‬

In order to win the girl's favor‭, ‬the lake god played the flute to tell his love‭, ‬and the sweet flute finally touched the girl's‭ ‬heart‭, ‬and the two weaved the melody of love in the forest‭.‬
One day‭, ‬the lake god came to the leader's house to propose a marriage‭, ‬and Banen said to his family‭, "‬The lake god will stay at‭ ‬our house tonight‭, ‬please don't get up too early‭." ‬
The leader was puzzled and decided to get up early to see what happened‭. ‬So‭, ‬before dawn‭, ‬I lit a firewood to find out what was‭ ‬going on‭, ‬and was surprised to find that there was a huge 100-step snake wrapped around my daughter's body‭, ‬but she had a happy‭ ‬expression on her face‭.‬

The leader suddenly realized that the lake god is the legendary hundred-step snake that the clansmen feared‭.‬
On the wedding day‭, ‬the lake god and his subordinates came to the boss's house with the ancient pots‭, ‬iron pots‭, ‬betel nut and noble and beautiful glazed beads‭. ‬
The leader counted the dowry gifts one by one‭, ‬and hosted a banquet to entertain the guests‭. ‬Afterwards‭, ‬the welcoming team set‭ ‬off to the residence of the God of the Lake‭, ‬Banen said to the parents and villagers who were seeing off‭: "‬In order to show our‭ ‬devotion‭, ‬when our people pass through the lake of God in the future‭, ‬please wear white clothes‭, ‬in order to express our respect‭ ‬for you‭. ‬Remember‭, ‬I will prepare warm food for you to take‭, ‬and please leave the hind legs of the prey‭." ‬After speaking‭, ‬he walked towards the lake‭, ‬the lake water rippled‭, ‬reflecting the pattern of the hundred-paced snake‭. ‬Nen finally arrived at her husband's house‭.‬

To this day‭, ‬this well-known legend is still circulating in the clan‭. ‬And the ancient songs that sing the story of marrying a snake man are even more whispered and reminiscent‭. "‬Goodbye‭, ‬my dearest Banen‭, ‬you are about to leave us‭, ‬go over mountains and mountains‭, ‬never see our hometown again‭, ‬and want to marry Daluoba Ling Lake‭" "‬Goodbye‭, ‬my hometown‭, ‬will soon become my eternal memory Goodbye‭! ‬All of you‭, ‬I am going‭, ‬and when my crown goes to the lake‭, ‬I am married into the palace‭. ‬Bless me forever‭."‬
Rukai clothing

The style and color of the Rukai costumes are similar to those of the Paiwan people‭, ‬but the wearing of lilies is the most special‭. ‬

As far as women are concerned‭, ‬lilies represent chastity‭, ‬and as far as men are concerned‭, ‬they represent warriors who are good‭ ‬at hunting‭. ‬In addition‭, ‬clay pots‭, ‬100-step snake pattern‭, ‬and butterfly pattern are all commonly used patterns by the tribe‭. ‬

Lily is the national flower of the Rukai people‭, ‬and the lily is decorated with sacred‭, ‬noble and holy meanings‭. ‬

In the hearts of Rukai people‭, ‬lilies are more spiritual than visual aesthetics‭. ‬They are used by the tribe as crowns and rewards‭. ‬

Only warriors and women who observe festivals can wear them‭.‬
Clothing materials‭: ‬Rukai clothing is mainly made of cross stitch and bead embroidery‭, ‬and the clothes are divided into men and‭ ‬women‭, ‬age and class‭. ‬The patterns are intricate and beautiful‭, ‬and are very close to the clothing of the Paiwan people‭.‬

Clothing materials‭: ‬Rukai clothing is mainly made of cross stitch and bead embroidery‭, ‬and the clothes are divided into men and‭ ‬women‭, ‬age and class‭. ‬The patterns are intricate and beautiful‭, ‬and are very close to the clothing of the Paiwan people‭.‬

Class distinctions in clothing‭: ‬The class system of the Rukai people stemming from their birth status and the hierarchical relationship acquired through their hard work are clearly expressed through their clothing‭. ‬

Class status is manifested in accessories‭, ‬clothing patterns and materials‭; ‬achievement status is manifested in headgear and clothing patterns‭. ‬
The hides of wild animals such as clouded leopards and bears were only worn by the nobility‭. ‬

The feathers of the Great Crowned Vulture were used as headdresses only by the noble class‭.‬


