Perfil de Tran Duc Trung

Mark-Making Postcards:

Mark-Making Postcards:
No.1 "Play button" ( 9/2022 )

The first postcard named "Play button" with the main theme is music. Listening and singing along to the lyrics of typical songs with friends at parties. Music has become an indispensable thing for me, as an invisible wire has helped me to connect with other music lovers. However, sometimes letting myself be separated from music gives me more personal feelings and joys that I just want to keep for myself. Putting on my headphones makes me feel relaxed and cut off from the outside world. When I enter my own space and concentrate all my mind on either work or enjoyment. Then I drew a triangle on top and shaped it like a play button to start the song. I also added two split patterns to represent my separation from other people when listening to music.

No.2 "Success" ( 9/2022 )

The second postcard will have the theme "Success". The process of overcoming difficulties to successfully achieve what I want inspired me to create this postcard. From training to cycling, and skateboarding, I overcame my physical limitations. To successfully explore new streets, new eateries, and places where I can have fun with my friends in Hanoi. I am also inspired by the special architectures in this city, such as the turtle tower, the cathedral, and Ly Thai To Park. The painting depicts a person trying to overcome barriers and difficulties that increase steadily as he rises to embrace success. Of course, on that path, he will fail countless times, but the important thing is that he dares to stand up and continue on that path. This is the message that I want to send to myself in the upcoming years.
Mark-Making Postcards:
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Mark-Making Postcards:

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