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Fistula Doctors in Chandigarh / Arogya Dham

Fistula Doctors in Chandigarh / Arogya Dham
What is Fistula?
A fistula is defined as an abnormal passageway that joins two vessels or organs that normally do not connect. The anus region is where fistulas most frequently occur.
What exactly causes a fistula?
There are glands that produce fluid inside the anus. These can occasionally become clogged and infected, leading to an abscess. Although other conditions, such as Crohn’s disease, sexually transmitted diseases, or cancer, can also occasionally result in fistulas, this is the most typical reason for them.
The passage of hard stools, anal trauma, or inflammatory bowel disease is a few examples of local trauma that is frequently linked to fissures.
If an abscess does not heal properly even after the pus has drained away, the fistula may develop. Crohn’s disease, a chronic condition in which the digestive system becomes inflamed, is another cause of anal fistulas.
The signs of a fistula?
Fistulas can be extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing. Along with frequent abscesses, unpleasant discharge, and painful bowel movements, pain is a common symptom. Infections and the discharge of too much fluid can also cause skin irritation.
How can a fistula be identified?
Consult your doctor right away if you experience any fistula symptoms, including abdominal pain, discharge, a change in your bowel habits, or severe diarrhoea.
An external fistula can be diagnosed fairly easily because the doctor can see it.
He or she may perform blood tests to assist in the diagnosis as well as send any discharge that occurs to a lab for analysis.
It might be more difficult to diagnose an internal fistula. To find the fistula, your doctor may use an endoscope to peer inside, as well as ultrasounds, and MRIs.
Treatment options for fistulas:
Fistula in ano is best treated with kshar sutra a medicated thread.
Dr. Rajan Goel and Dr. Poonam Goel are one of the Top Fistula Doctors in Chandigarh for Treatment.
If you reside in Chandigarh, you must visit Arogya Dham Hospital in Panchkula, Chandigarh, for fissure treatment and fistula surgery.
Visit Fistula Doctors in Chandigarh to learn more about our solutions. Consult with our experts right away!
A cut or tear that extends upward into the anal canal from the anus (the opening through which stool exits the body) is referred to as an anal fissure.
Fissures have been thought to be typical anus and anal canal conditions. It becomes the cause of 6% to 15% of colon and rectal surgery visits. Any age group may be affected by this condition.
The most typical reason for rectal bleeding is an anal fissure, which typically causes pain during bowel movements.
Fistula Doctors in Chandigarh / Arogya Dham

Fistula Doctors in Chandigarh / Arogya Dham
