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A Storyteller Beyond Boundaries

A Storyteller Beyond Boundaries
From Childhood Tales to Timeless Artistry, a Vishnu M Nair's Journey Woven with Vibrant Imagination and Universal Appeal.
Port Muziris for Mariott properties + Qasr Group
Artistic Roots in Vibrant Cities

Hailing from the vibrant cities of Kochi and Delhi, Vishnu's artistic voyage began with his Bachelors in Fine Arts from the renowned College of Art Delhi. He later honed his craft further, obtaining his Masters from the prestigious National Institute of Design (NID) in Ahmedabad. His upbringing and education laid the foundation for his artistic prowess, which he has since channelled into a fulfilling career.
Port Muziris for Mariott properties + Qasr Group
Nurtured by Storybooks

Vishnu's journey into the world of creativity was not a mere coincidence. As a child, he was captivated by the enchanting allure of picture books and comics. "My earliest memories involve flipping through some rat-eaten Russian picture books at home". This childhood fascination with storytelling through visuals has become the driving force behind his artistry.
Illustration for La Guarimba Film Festival 2023
Bridging Generations with Visuals

A striking aspect of Vishnu's work is his ability to seamlessly merge his sense of humor and narrative-forward approach into his illustrations. This skill lends itself beautifully to stories for children, allowing him to create enchanting worlds that captivate young and old alike. But don't be mistaken – he's quick to clarify that he doesn't specifically illustrate for children.
A piece about how the changing nature of cricket viewership changed the game as well. Illustration for Verve Magazine
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A Storyteller Beyond Boundaries

A Storyteller Beyond Boundaries

From Childhood Tales to Timeless Artistry, a Vishnu M Nair's Journey Woven with Vibrant Imagination and Universal Appeal.
