Kimberly Pauluss profil

Formulations Of The Letter F

Formulations of the Letter F

The Formulations of the Letter F project experiments with the boundaries of typographic expression. By taking a single letterform and altering the contour, the imagery explores the dynamic interplay between organic and geometric shapes, and challenges conventional notions of typographic rigidity. 

Each iteration of the letter "F" takes on a unique personality, morphing into various shapes and expressions. The resulting letterforms are a fusion of creativity and precision, inviting viewers to appreciate the beauty of flexibility within the constraints of a single character. They offer a fresh perspective on the art of typography and its potential to evolve in exciting and unexpected ways, captivating audiences with its exploration of form and function.

Type Design | Typography | Graphic Design | Graphic Exploration | Process

Formulations Of The Letter F

Formulations Of The Letter F
