Lene Goosens profil

Zef Culture Posters

Subculture Posters
The objective of this project is to design a collection of posters that utilize typography to artistically portray a distinctive subculture within the context of South Africa. 

Within this project, my task was centered on a thorough investigation of subcultures to pinpoint prevailing stereotypes. Furthermore, I immersed myself in understanding the essential role typography plays in effectively communicating visual messages. My ultimate goal was to achieve a mastery of seamlessly conveying concepts by harnessing the influential capacity of typography as the primary mode of expression.
This poster series spotlights the Zef subculture in South Africa, renowned for its distinctive slang that can sometimes be perceived as coarse and unrefined. To capture the essence of the zef culture, I skillfully integrated typography and illustration, creating a synergistic blend that aptly resonates with the subculture's attributes.
Translation: "Are you checking out my girl?"
Translation: "All the weed is giving me a headache again."
Translation: "That woman is very common/vulgar."
Translation: "Anytime is a good time to drink beer."
Translation: "Now you're talking."
Translation: "I spend all my money on sigarettes."
I found this project exciting because I'm a big fan of the zef subculture and their hilarious way of talking. It was like a fun challenge to mainly use text to get their essence across. I wanted to capture their unique language and humor in a creative way, playing around with typography and illustration to make it look interesting.
Conceptualisation and Process
Zef Culture Posters


Zef Culture Posters


Kreativa områden