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Nanotechnology: Small Wonders, Big Impact

Exploring the World of Nanotechnology: Small Wonders, Big Impact
The cutting-edge discipline of science, engineering, and technology known as nanotechnology, or simply "nanotech," focuses on the manipulation and control of matter at the nanoscale. The word "nano" comes from the Greek word for "dwarf," and when used in relation to nanotechnology, it designates systems, materials, and structures that are on the nanoscale scale—typically falling between 1 and 100 nanometers. A nanometer is one billionth of a metre, so that gives you some context. 
 Due to quantum mechanical phenomena and increased surface area, materials' properties can drastically alter from those of their larger-scale counterparts at this exceedingly small scale. In order to develop new materials, tools, and systems with unheard-of capabilities, nanotechnology entails comprehending and taking advantage of their peculiar qualities.
Nanotechnology: Small Wonders, Big Impact

Nanotechnology: Small Wonders, Big Impact
