Have you ever created a monster?
We aimed to illustrate the unintended consequence of working with files and capturing fresh content daily – the emergence of a behemoth network of files that's more like a maze than an organized repository.

Lost and never found.
In this intricate maze of files, some vanish without a trace.
In one of our favorite moments in the video, we playfully poked at the often relatable experience of searching for elusive digital files. 

Zen at work.
Demonstrating the essence of working with Spark Pico was essential, unveiling an entirely distinct experience—one characterized by tranquility and harmony. A vibe only a guy floating in a lotus position can convey!

Finding that spark.
As we hinted throughout the video, our character's journey mirrored his pursuit of a metaphorical bird, symbolizing his quest for something elusive. It was only fitting to conclude with him immersed in a natural setting, where he could finally unwind, shift from content management to content creation, and discover what he had been seeking—an experience that seamlessly combines his creative aspirations with the harmony of the great outdoors.
Thanks for watching!
Until we chirp again!

Client: Spark Pico | Year: 2021 
Service: Motion Design, Character Animation, Storyboarding, Illustration

Spark Pico


Spark Pico



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