The four veterans, whose average age has reached 70 years old, were ordered to re-enter the battlefield. They walked to the battlefield together, looking at the young soldiers around them, one of the veterans couldn't help but mischievously said:

"We're a team of old, middle-aged and young people, right?"

The other veterans couldn't help laughing, and they began to study how to deal with modern combat equipment. One of the veterans picked up a GPS device, looked at the screen suspiciously, and muttered:

"Why is this thing more complicated than my TV?"

Another veteran picked up an advanced rifle, looked left and right, then scratched his head and said:

"I thought this thing was a controller, do you want to shake it?"

They walk around the battlefield feeling like they're playing an age-inappropriate video game. Suddenly, a shell landed nearby, and they hurriedly took cover in a ditch. A veteran picked up a shield-shaped armor plate, shook his head and said:

"Now I understand, the battlefield is a huge dodge field!"

The other veterans couldn't help laughing, and laughed in agreement. In this way, although they are old, they use their unique sense of humor and relaxed attitude to make the tense atmosphere on the battlefield more lively. They are still like young soldiers, using their own way to bring some different colors to this battlefield.
domm squad


domm squad
