Profil appartenant à Marc Hobelman

Translating the Film "Missing" - Case Study Images

Writing a Case Study
This Behance post will be kind of meta. I worked on a localization team for a screenlife movie called Missing. The work was complex and weird and fun, but I didn't have any "shots" to show for it at the end of the project. I kept thinking I needed to share it somehow and eventually, I settled on creating some illustrations to go along with writing out the story of the unique workflow. You can read the "initial case study" on my website, but this post shows how I expanded on it with custom art.

I made five custom animations, to illustrate what might have been a very large block of plain text. I jotted down some notes and bullet points, slept on the idea, and then spent three days fleshing the whole thing out.
A few people told me they thought it would be a good idea to share the story. Motion designers were particularly interested in the process. After I thought of making custom art, I forgot all about how hard it would be to share. It was a delight to design once I started.
The After Effects setup was the most fun part about the project. Since these illustrations are celebrating tools and workflow that I use all the time in other projects, it was a joy to move them around in a way that showed love and experience with the subject matter. I’ve used Overlord since THE DAY it was released in 2017. It’s easy to say it’s been the most important tool for my particular work since I’ve been a full-time motion designer. It felt appropriate to go “a little too hard” on these.
The trippy halo around the overlord button was fun, and probably as "weird" as these illustrations got.
Thanks for checking this project out. Please contact me if you're curious about the process, and if you're more curious about the movie please read my write up:
Translating the Film "Missing" - Case Study Images
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Translating the Film "Missing" - Case Study Images

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