Cannaheal Cannabis Projects
strategy, verbal, illustration & brand

Hope through Cannabis Innovation

Cannaheal Cannabis Projects is a Canadian brand that firmly believes in cannabis as a guiding light—an initiative dedicated to assisting individuals and businesses in navigating the path of innovation through the benefits of cannabis.

In developing the brand strategy, we draw inspiration from stories of individuals whose lives have been profoundly and positively transformed by cannabis. Our project approach aims to introduce the world to cannabis with a tone that is both light-hearted, educational, and informal.

The visual language serves as a mirror reflecting the branding essence—human, natural, and approachable. By blending illustrations and kindness with the inherent natural qualities of cannabis, the brand journey maintains a deep commitment to scientific rigor. By demystifying cannabis, Cannaheal becomes a voice that resonates with everyone, delivering the brand’s purpose and tagline: 'For all questions, hope.

A living, serene, and intimate identity. The search for an illustration style that appears natural yet imperfect depicts the brand's desire to be close to their audience, to integrate into their daily lives. The result was a deck of visual messages that delve into the routines of ordinary individuals whose lives have been enhanced through cannabis.


Creative director: Erik Marchetti
Strategy: Nicole Viana
Design team: Edu Dorfman, Lua Borges, Pedro Munhoz
Illustration: Luis Felipe Cavalcantti
Motion: Berro Motion
Case development: Pedro Munhoz


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