A water bottle designed for people who has diagnosed chronic kidney disease(CKD)
Since they should control the amount of water, they couldn't drink freely when they are thirsty.Not to mention they have to take medicine everyday, so I designed a water bottle with others, combining pill-box and the function of spray.Whenever the users are thirsty, they can spray on their throat.
The capacity of AQUA is well-designed for hemodialysis patients.
User-friendly bottle
By using AQUA, they can drink water freely since it is exactly the right amount of intaking water everyday, soothing  patients' stress.
Plus, fitting the pill-box on AQUA to remind users not to forget take medicine.

Maximize the effectiveness
AQUA quenches their thirst by using minimum amount of water.By restricting the consumption of water easily to make the best quality of dialysis.

The main material of AQUA is made by TRIATAN.

