Lasha Uchaneishvili profili

Round Accordion Booklet Design

CreaTour's round accordion brochure design
a seamless fusion of design and exploration.
Inspired by our logo's contours, this innovative creation brings travel narratives to life in a dynamic, circular form.
Crafting an accordion brochure that echoes our logo's essence while maintaining readability was a delightful challenge.
The design orchestrates content across 8 pages, achieving a harmonious balance between information and visual allure.
Embark on this visual expedition that encapsulates the heart of CreaTour's travel philosophy. Discover, explore, and dream anew with each unfolding page.
Round Accordion Booklet Design
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Round Accordion Booklet Design

Step into the captivating world of CreaTour's round accordion brochure, a seamless fusion of design and exploration. Inspired by our logo's conto Daha Fazla Bilgi

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