Henkilön Renee Robinson profiili

Contemporary Australian Indigenous Arts (CAIA)

The Contemporary Australian Indigenous Art (CAIA) is a degree designed to prepare Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to become professional artists. I was invited to create a collection of strategic promotional material, including three A2 posters and two A5 brochures, to engage potential future students.

This project required a concept exploration that would appeal to the target audience, including high-school students and post-highschool Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Two typefaces were chosen to suit this project. “Everett” is a contemporary sans-serif typeface that carries unique, geometric attributes. It is sharp giving the designs seriousness, while also remaining playful. The secondary typeface is “Eiko Light.” This serif typeface holds a traditional personality, representing CAIA’s historic aspects. There is a high amount of contrast between the sizing of the typography to make the designs pop and grab attention. The colour palette includes burgundy,
green, blue, black and white. They were chosen to compliment artists’ work and aren’t overpowering. 
The "Dream On" concept was inspired by Aboriginal "dreamings." The artwork carries a dreamlike representation paired with bold typography to capture and inspire the audience and acknowledge their culture. 

This poster is an abstract representation of various Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations and communities surrounding Australia. surrounding Australia. The concept "Connect With Your Culture" directs the audience to get in touch with their roots.

"Your Journey Begins Now" was inspired by the many pathways leading in and out of the CAIA program. The goal was to communicate this message by incorporating a visual representation of a path. The use of curved, bold typography catches attention and leads the viewer further into the design.

"Dream On" painting by Tori Jay Mordey.
Contemporary Australian Indigenous Arts (CAIA)

Contemporary Australian Indigenous Arts (CAIA)
