Sausage Clock
This is a school midterm project about the connection between a certain word and a certain city while my given word is "clock" and the city I chose is "Berlin".
"Sausage Clock" is inspired by Mengenlehreuhr (German for "Set Theory Clock") located in Europa-Center in Berlin, which indicates the time by the illuminated and coloured fields. Considering which objects could represent Berlin the best, I finally choose the well-know German food–sausage. By using different flavours of sausages and salami to imitate the system of Mengenlehreuhr, I try to form a new way of telling the time by arranging the food into a certain pattern.
Working Process
This project is featured in IdN magazine Vol.22 No.3 & Infinite Icon by Sandu Publishing
Sausage Clock

Sausage Clock

"Sausage Clock" is inspired by Mengenlehreuhr (German for "Set Theory Clock") in Berlin, which indicates the time by the illuminated and coloured Read More
