This artistic project is a series of pencil drawings and writings that register time, movement and speech. The drawings are the result of an experimental artistic process, thanks to which observable movement is captured. A book was created to display and document the creation process. Finally, some of the drawings were framed, each of them is accompanied by a corresponding sheet of paper, documenting the spoken words overheard while drawing, along with the date, time and location where the art piece was created. The selected locations of the drawings hold significance in the artist’s past, as they were habitually visited during her childhood and teenage years. The act of revisiting meaningful places is tied to the emotions they evoke. There exists a profound sense of belonging as if these locations still preserve traces of the artist’s former presence. However, as time inevitably passes by, these locations undergo inexorable transformations, by becoming inhabited by new persons and by changing appearance. 
Time in Motion - Art


Time in Motion - Art


크리에이티브 분야