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How to Make Your Own Harmonica

How to Make Your Own Harmonica
A few simple things are required to How to make your own harmonica at home. A piece of wax paper and two popsicle sticks should be gathered first. In between the two popsicle sticks, sandwich the wax paper, leaving a little space at one end. Rubber bands should be used to join the sticks while leaving the open gap unbanded on both ends. This results in a tiny sound chamber. Put a toothpick through the wax paper and make a few tiny holes. These holes will serve as your "notes." Ensure that the holes are distributed equally. Put your lips over the opening and gently blow while concealing and revealing the holes with your fingers to play. The wax paper vibrates against the holes as you blow air, producing musical notes. Try with various hole placements and sizes to get different sounds. You can also use stickers or markers to customise your harmonica. Even while the sound of this homemade harmonica won't be identical to that of an expert instrument, it's still a great method to experiment with sound, music, and even physics!

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How to Make Your Own Harmonica
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How to Make Your Own Harmonica

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