walkwalk graphics さんのプロファイル

CGV ARTHOUSE Eric Rohmer Special poster 에릭로메르 영화 포스터

movie poster artwork
CGV ARTHOUSE Eric Rohmer Special Poster
CGV아트하우스 에릭로메르 특별전

Conte de printemps(봄이야기)
Conte d'Été(여름이야기)
Conte d'automne(가을이야기)
Conte d'hiver(겨울이야기)
Le rayon vert(녹색광선)
L'ami de mon amie(내 여자친구의 남자친구)
Pauline A La Plage(해변의 폴린)
La collectionneuse(수집가)

title lettering artwork walkwalkgraphics
visual artwork walkwalkgraphics


walkwalkgraphics is a design studio that practices and pursues essence, creativity, and companionship. It is based on typography, lettering, press, and graphic design. We are challenging and experimenting in various fields. We are working to get you in the right direction. Like a swinging compass...
We always look forward to collaborating with you.

CGV ARTHOUSE Eric Rohmer Special poster 에릭로메르 영화 포스터
公開日 :


CGV ARTHOUSE Eric Rohmer Special poster 에릭로메르 영화 포스터

公開日 :