Sarah Hopt profili

Japan Travel Poster Design

Continuing the Quest
Personal passion project | Poster Design
Digital, scanned paper texture, created in Adobe Illustrator, 8" x 10"
Throughout my unforgettable journey this year traveling to multiple cities in Japan, I was excited to finally book our second trip to the land of the rising sun, known as Japan. Inspired by my husband and I’s next travel adventure we have planned, I knew I wanted to design a poster that evoked the feeling and experience that reflects the vibrant culture of Tokyo.
During my travels, I found a lot of inspiration and personal reflection on my own interests and values when visiting the famous districts of Akihabara and Ikebukuro which inspired me to create this poster. I primarily showcase this in the use of 8-bit pixel art-inspired typography and the cyberpunk bubble gum pop color palette.
Yet, as I was working through variations in the design, just from my visual research in my travels in Kyoto, I wanted to ensure the design also reflected the ancient beauty of Kyoto and the serenity and minimalist aesthetic that traditional Japanese art and architecture is widely known for.
I was able to incorporate that natural and traditional feeling by playing with minimal elements on the page and creating simple shapes to depict Mt Fuji and the rising sun. I then incorporated the use of natural scanned-in paper textures to evoke a sense of nature while focusing on a minimalist layout and balancing the typography and the elements on the page.
Japan Travel Poster Design
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Japan Travel Poster Design

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