João Luís Fernandes 님의 프로필

AOC SPEAKERS - Creative Direction

Branding & Creative Direction
The following case study details the process developed and implemented while working as Creative Director in the project that brought new Bluetooth speakers to the market, under the brand of AOC (part of TP Vision).
About AOC
Formerly known as Admiral Overseas Corporation, AOC has a global reputation for its cutting-edge electronics. As a multinational electronics company headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, AOC has championed a wide array of LCD TVs and PC monitors. Embracing innovation, AOC has ventured into uncharted territory by introducing a brand-new line of speakers tailored to a new generation. This foray into the world of audio meant envisioning a unique visual and communication strategy while ensuring a seamless consistency with the AOC brand.
Initial Considerations
Launching a new brand in a highly competitive market presented a multitude of challenges. Our primary objectives were to introduce AOC Speakers as a disruptive force in the audio industry, implement a Direct-to-Consumer strategy, and forge meaningful connections with Gen-Z consumers. To achieve this, we needed to develop a comprehensive brand identity, create compelling visual assets, and craft engaging marketing campaigns that resonated with our target audience.
The scope of work for the AOC Speakers project encompassed a comprehensive journey from market studies to final production. As the Creative Director, my involvement began with in-depth market research focused on understanding the unique preferences and behaviors of Generation Z, a demographic to which I belong. This insight informed our approach to product features, marketing strategies, and branding initiatives. From conceptualizing innovative campaigns to refining branding elements, every step was meticulously crafted to resonate with our target audience. As we transitioned into the production phase, my role expanded to encompass various fields, including art direction, copywriting, UI/UX design, branding, social media strategy, and collaboration with external partners.
Brand Identity

One of the main challenges in developing the branding for AOC Speakers was to adapt core brand elements from the existing AOC brand guidelines to tailor assets specifically for Generation Z. By infusing these elements with the vibrant energy and dynamic aesthetic synonymous with Gen-Z culture, we ensured authenticity and relevance while maintaining consistency with the broader AOC brand.
In close collaboration with one of our Creative Agencies, the branding strategy was developed and overseen by the Creative Director, expanding to the multiple touchpoints needed for the creation of a cohesive visual strategy for the products. All these elements were combined in a Brand Book (that can be requested by contact) that encapsulates the extensive work developed for the brand.
Product Photography - Feature Images CGI

The CGI production of product renders was a collaborative effort between our team and the creative agency. Together, we developed custom iconography that mirrored the shape of the product, ensuring consistency across all visual elements. The resulting visuals strike a balance between cleanliness and vibrancy, making it easy for viewers to visualize the product's features and dimensions. For instance, we incorporated real-life objects in the dimension feature images, offering a relatable point of reference for our audience.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The photography for AOC Speakers, developed in collaboration with our creative agency, embodies the essence of Generation Z. With diversity, humility, and relevance in mind, we curated visuals that reflect the core values of our brand personality. From wardrobe choices to set decoration and model actions, every element was meticulously crafted to resonate authentically with our audience. The images strike a balance between vibrancy and relatability, avoiding exaggeration while evoking a strong emotional connection with our viewers.
Product Videos​​​​​​​

There were 2 separate productions for the product videos - lifestyle and feature videos. For the lifestyle production, a video was created for the O1 and O2 models together, as they share a similar usage and form-factor, differing in size/battery life; and another was produced for the O3, as this product has a different form factor and use case.
In parallel, there was a CGI production of 3 short videos, one per model, more feature focused, enabling a more in-depth look into all the features and benefits of the products, whereas for the lifestyle profuction the focus was more into the emotional and user benefits of the products.
Respective 360 Renders and Exploded Views were also produced.

Two distinct websites were developed for the AOC Speakers project: the corporate AOC website and a bespoke webstore dedicated to direct-to-consumer (D2C) sales of AOC Speakers. While the corporate website adheres to the overarching design and guidelines of the AOC brand, the webstore underwent a tailored UI/UX design process overseen and co-developed with an external agency. Collaborating closely with the web developer, we utilized Shopware for the development phase. My role involved directing the developer in translating design concepts into a user-friendly and visually appealing website interface, ensuring seamless navigation and an engaging shopping experience for our customers. Alongside the 2 websites, a registration page and the email design was also part of my own design exercise.
Credits: Wenneker, H1, Lisa de Wolf (Photographer and Videographer)
AOC SPEAKERS - Creative Direction


AOC SPEAKERS - Creative Direction
