Profilo di Syed Hasan Imam

Furniture for specially-abled individuals

Welcome to my design journey, where I embarked on a meaningful exploration to create furniture that caters to the unique needs of specially-abled individuals. This project revolved around the creation of an innovative single bed with an integrated wheelchair, thoughtfully designed to enhance both functionality and aesthetics. This portfolio showcases the evolution of my design process, from initial concepts to tangible prototypes.

Conceptualization Phase:
In the beginning, I delved into extensive research to understand the challenges faced by specially-abled individuals in their daily lives. This research phase involved studying mobility limitations, ergonomic considerations, and personal stories that highlighted the need for more inclusive furniture. I documented my findings, identified pain points, and developed a design philosophy centered around empowerment, comfort, and style.

Ideation and Sketching:
Armed with insights, I began generating initial concepts through pencil and paper sketches. These early sketches explored various design directions, taking into account the integration of a wheelchair, storage solutions, and user-friendly features. I documented my sketches, noting down the pros and cons of each concept, and gradually narrowed down my ideas to a handful of promising concepts.
Cardboard Mockups:
Transitioning from sketches to tangible forms, I created cardboard mockups to visualize the spatial relationships and proportions of the chosen concepts. These low-fidelity prototypes helped me understand the scale, accessibility, and overall feel of the furniture from a physical perspective. Through iterations, I refined the dimensions and layout to ensure optimal usability and aesthetic harmony.
MDF Mockups:
As the project gained momentum, I progressed to crafting more detailed mockups using Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF). These prototypes allowed me to experiment with different joinery techniques, test the integration of the wheelchair, and fine-tune the storage compartments. This phase required a balance between practical functionality and visual appeal, which I diligently documented.

Wooden Mockup - Plywood Prototype:
The culmination of my hands-on experimentation led to the creation of a small-scale wooden prototype made from plywood. This prototype accurately represented the envisioned design, complete with integrated wheelchair space, storage units, and ergonomic considerations. I meticulously documented the construction process, challenges faced, and breakthroughs achieved, showcasing my commitment to realizing an inclusive and innovative piece of furniture.
3D Renderings:
To communicate the final design in a visually compelling manner, I utilized 3D rendering software to create realistic visuals of the single bed. These renderings showcased the furniture from different angles, highlighting its features, materials, and potential applications. The 3D renderings bridged the gap between the physical and digital worlds, offering a glimpse into the future of inclusive furniture design.
This design journey embodies my dedication to creating furniture that goes beyond aesthetics, prioritizing the needs and aspirations of specially-abled individuals. From the initial research to the refined plywood prototype, each step was infused with empathy, innovation, and a commitment to inclusivity. The single bed with an integrated wheelchair stands as a testament to the power of design to transform lives, and I am excited to share this journey with you through my portfolio. Thank you for joining me in this exploration of empathy-driven design.
Furniture for specially-abled individuals


Furniture for specially-abled individuals
