In the world of dog toys, the Biting Duck has stood out for its dual function: entertaining and measuring bite strength. This unique toy is designed with durable materials and pressure sensors inside. When a dog bites it, these sensors record the bite's intensity and send the data to an external device, such as a mobile app. This not only provides fun but also valuable information about the dog's bite force.
The data collected by the Biting Duck has multiple applications. Pet owners can use it to better understand their dog's capabilities and choose appropriate toys. Additionally, the information can be valuable in scientific and veterinary fields. Researchers can study differences in bite strength among breeds, assess the effects of diets on dental health, and detect early health problems based on changes in bite force. In summary, the Biting Duck for Dogs blends fun and technology, offering entertainment and practical data about canine bite strength.
Ducky Duck


Ducky Duck
