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42 - Brand Identity Design

42 - A platform for students, to students 

42, a budding ed-tech enterprise headquartered in Bengaluru, India is dedicated to providing online learning remedies to students. Their unique brand preposition is 'from discovery to placements via payment'. With the introduction of its growing suite of subsidiary brands - namely, 42 Student, 42 Learn, and 42 Bank - the organization is embarking on a mission to broaden its influence while effectively addressing the diverse educational requisites of students. We were approached to create a brand identity for the sub-brands and a visual library of potential merchandise designs, illustrations, icons, and, animations to support their online and offline presence. 

The core demographic that 42 aims to serve is students actively seeking inventive and tailored learning solutions. These sub-brands cater to distinct student segments. 42 Student is tailored to college-bound scholars, guiding them through the selection process and guiding with college choices. Meanwhile, 42 Learn centers its efforts on honing skills and offering a plethora of professional courses. In addition to these, 42 Bank is envisioned as an avenue to provide comprehensive financial guidance to students, offering mentorship for educational loans and beyond.

Thank you for having a look!
Conceptualised, designed and crafted by Juilee Tembhekar and Anuja Agrawal in collaboration with Skadoosh Design Studio

Bonus slide:
In an alternate universe, 42 would have looked something like this. We were exploring the poential of this design route with the client and eventually decided to go with something that moves away from the ubiquitousness  of arrows. 

42 - Brand Identity Design

42 - Brand Identity Design

42 is an end-to-end ed tech brand that provides Indian students with the opportunity to manage their academics seamlessly. This brand identity de Mehr anzeigen
