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Fokhare Exhibition Poster

Fokhare Exhibition Poster

Presenting another poster for the "FOKHARE" exhibition. The highlight of the poster is a hand, crafted in bitmap and completely stained with pottery clay. This hand is a personal mark of mine, photographed and digitally reproduced by me.
The use of a handwritten font for the typography underscores the artisanal character of pottery making. It reverberates with the tradition, heritage, and personal engagement inherent in the craft.
Collectively, the clay-stained hand and the handwritten font weave a captivating visual narrative that aligns with the central message of the "FOKHAREi" exhibition: the resurgence and appreciation of Egyptian pottery.


This is part of the  process of visuals that are different to fit into the subject.
And one of them is the pottery experience on paper so that it gives this pattern or strokes and the other the hand print with pottery on paper.

Fokhare Exhibition Poster
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Fokhare Exhibition Poster

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