Xiao Bai sin profil

Broadcast Management Group

Broadcast Management Group is a full-service production company dedicated to solving technical and creative challenges of any scale or complexity. They're seeking to redesign the entire company's visual identities, infusing it with a contemporary aesthetic. This involves incorporating numerous expansive images and prominent video headers to underscore their endeavors.

- Redesign the website for both desktop and mobile platforms.
- Rework the design of marketing email templates.
- Enhance the visual aspects of business cards, one sheet, and other branding materials.
- Conduct A/B testing to determine the most effective iteration of call-to-action, copy, images, and videos.
- Employ UX methodologies to craft a user-friendly encounter across all devices.
- Ensure the site’s accessibility aligns with the WCAG standards.

Broadcast Management Group

Broadcast Management Group
