Perfil de Owen Croom

Logo Design: Live A Little Records

A good friend of mine Brian recently set up 'Live A Little Records' which is an independent record label. He needed help coming up with a logo and asked me to help out. 
He had no specifications regarding the outcome and so told me to come up with what I could.
My initial ideas seemed quite cliche for a record label, but still I sent over the designs to see what Brian thought. He seemed happy with the initial designs but liked elements from some parts and not others. I adjusted some of the designs and sent them over again. 
Unfortunately Brian couldn't decide between designs and requested me to add colour to them. He provided me with a very limited colour pallette which I applied to the designs.
After more thought Brian decided on the final design, which I then tweaked a bit more. 
I personally wouldn't of chose the design that Brian did as I feel it is the weakest outcome that I produced, but nevertheless Brian was happy and got his logo.
Feel free to check out Brian and Live A Little:
Logo Design: Live A Little Records

Logo Design: Live A Little Records

Logo Design: Live A Little Records


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