T. E. Langers profil

The Epitome of Uncontrollable

The Epitome of Uncontrollable
Enter the zany behavior of salespeople and their love affair with their products.

A troupe of extroverts, wilder than a pack of caffeinated lemurs, each flaunting their prized merchandise like it's the holy grail.
Managing them in a “decent” portrait session is as impossible as teaching a squirrel to master interpretive dance routines at the Nutcracker ballet.

These folks are so confident (or spaced out) with their products, that they make James Bond look like a nervous introvert ordering pizza.

Welcome to an overly self-assured bag of fleas,
where even their shadow has an ego..
Say hello to Pierce, the piercing salesman.
He's got this ginormous tongue that stretches to the moon and back. It's so long, it has its own zip code.
It proudly nests one of his goods. The crown jewel of tongue piercing. His portrait captures the essence of "hanging by a thread."

Say hello to Petal, the flower salesman.
He's the coolest cat in town with his bright yellow flower that could make the sun jealous.

"I'm here to bring you floral fabulousness."
Say hello to Wiggy Wallace, the wigs salesman.
The living embodiment of joy and eccentricity, ready to sell you a wig for every mood, occasion, or whim, and make you giggle all the while.
Say hello to Fiddlin' Fabio, the violin salesman.
His luscious locks dance like a rebellious orchestra conductor, his frenetic energy makes the Energizer Bunny look sedate. His violins are neither for cry-babies nor for mama boys. They would make Niccolò Paganini look like a choirboy.

Say hello to Teddy, the toys salesman.
What..?  He's got this terrifying scream mask glued to his face, and he's trying to scare the living daylights out of a teeny-tiny, innocent, and adorable teddy bear! Perhaps a prime example of a wrong sales tactics

Or a hysterical juxtaposition of horror and innocence, where you can't help but laugh, scream and wonder, simultaneously. Well, sales tactics are as different as a Koala’s investment portfolio and a financial advisor's.
Say hello to Specs, the glasses salesman.
He's got a collection of glasses that could rival a Hollywood sci-fi movie, but here's the kicker – he wears a pair that shoots out red laser-like lights into his eyes!
It's like he's got his own personal disco party going on. His portrait? A spectacle of spectacle-wearing spectacularity!

Say hello to Eddie, the egg salesman.
He's got a shiny bald head that could double as a mirror. But what's truly egg-citing is the way he stares at his egg, as if they hold the secrets to the universe. His portrait features him, bald noggin gleaming, surrounded by another egg with its own distinct aura, and a… well, see by yourself. Egg-citing, right?
The Epitome of Uncontrollable


The Epitome of Uncontrollable
