Perfil de xiuuu

Some Posters 海報們

系列海報 _ 海報設計

Series Posters _ Poster Design

#01 希望
#01 Hope.
In your eyes, he may be an angel, but in the end, he is a devil from heaven.
Even so, please don’t give up hope and live well.

#02 鳥居
#02 Torii.
The function of a torii is to mark the entrance to a sacred space.
Open the final lock, go to the unknown. 
Do you dare?

#03 懸崖
#03 Cliff.
Although I was in trouble, I never bowed to fate.
Although I has gone through ups and downs, I still yearns for freedom.
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

無形 _ 海報設計

αλλαγή _ Poster Design


Change is the only constant in life.
——— Heraclitus

2023癸卯年 _ 海報設計

twenty twenty-three _ Poster Design

一樣的聖誕節,不一樣的平安 _ 海報設計

Same Christmas, Different Peace _ Poster Design
© xiuuu
Some Posters 海報們
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Some Posters 海報們

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