Henkilön Carl Kopfer profiili

Mentor Calendar 2023 undefined/undone

Cover. All months mixed/blended together
01. January
02. February
02. February enchanced
03. March
04. April
05. May
06. June
07. July
08. August
Astro in pictures, herbalism in pictures.

One of reasons for me to study graphic design was to somehow connect the invisible landscapes of nature in herbalistic sensing and feeling with picture making.

Each page of calendar is made with usage of symbols corresponding to given month.

[For example: February's herb is Viola tricolor. February is month of Aquarius whose color is yellow. Symbol of that zodiac sign are two waves. It's constellation is presented with dots and lines in the background, but it's hard to describe it. Also on every page the is a herbal reference to the previous month and the month following.]

While finding zodiac symbols and constellation visualisations was pretty easy, trying to discover correct herbs was more pleasant. First digging into herbal literature to find the names of plants that correspond to a given month. Then to dive into all these centuries-old botanical illustration books available elsewhere on the Internet.

Almost everything in developed images was done digitally by processing and post-processing of available graphic materials found on search engines, digital libraries and web archives.

Cover is done by blending all months together.

Printer, Scanner, Photoshop.

Project unfinished.

Mentor Calendar 2023 undefined/undone


Mentor Calendar 2023 undefined/undone
