Henkilön Victor Coucello profiili

A Tale of Sword and Slime

A Tale of Sword and Slime - Monster Hunter
A "request" from a friend. They asked me to draw a Brachydios (right), and it puzzled me a bit, since I didn't want to just... leave it there, in an environmental void, without any interaction at all. The solution I came up with was this composition, a turf war against a Glavenus (left). I'm really proud of this one, but the improvements I could've made still poke me in the eyes from time to time. The curse of every artist.

I might, in the future, remake this. Maybe a digital version, maybe a physical drawing, I haven't decided. Glavenus and Brachydios are truly majestic creatures, and I feel they deserve more than this.

A couple days after finishing this one, I bought some colored pencils, for a gift to another friend. I had to test the pencils, to understand/think of how I would make the gift, so I ended up painting this one, despite not planning to do it at all. So here's the result: 
A Tale of Sword and Slime - Colorized
I... don't dislike it. But it's not my best job either. The colored pencils were really crappy, hard ones, and the pigment wouldn't adhere to the paper, so I had to really force it for the colors to reach the desired point. I was really worried I would tear the paper apart.

In the end it was.. fine. Not good, but not too bad. I'm proud of the ignition feeling I managed to achieve on brachydios' fists and the colorfulness of Glavenus scales/spikes, but aside of that, I feel this colorized version was pretty average.
A Tale of Sword and Slime


A Tale of Sword and Slime
