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A Healthy & Unhealthy Relationship- Difference

1. Effective Communication:
Open dialogue is essential. Express your feelings constructively. Focus on behaviors, not personal attacks. Share how actions made you feel. Compliments and appreciation foster connection.

2. Trust and Honesty:
Build trust through open discussions about fears and insecurities. Accept imperfections and commit to honesty. Trust grows with transparency, reducing the need for suspicion or jealousy.

3. Space & Boundaries:
Maintain individuality. Allocate "me" time for personal hobbies. Stay connected with friends and family. Balance with shared activities to strengthen the relationship.


A healthy relationship nurtures happiness and comfort.
Your feelings matter most; prioritize your well-being.
You deserve a relationship that uplifts and fulfills you.
These insights provide general guidance. Every relationship is unique, and personal situations vary. Seek professional advice for specific concerns.

A Healthy & Unhealthy Relationship- Difference

A Healthy & Unhealthy Relationship- Difference
