Mc Samuel Shoko 的个人资料

Flexible Jobs (Job Search Website Design)

Jobs website design project:

Project Title: Flexible Jobs (Job Search Website Design)

Design case study for a job search site focused on remote/flexible opportunities.

Self-directed learning project to practice information architecture, UX design skills and familiarize myself with design tools like Figma as a beginner.

- a self-directed learning project to practice skills in information architecture, user experience design, etc.
- and also getting ro know the tools i use as a beginner

- user research: inspired by indeed and also some self exploration along with inspiration                              and guides from `calltoidea`, 

- design challenges faced:   as a learning designer (self paced), gaining new knowledge                             and having to reapply was a pain, but the gain was good. since it was                                brought a good reflection and also recognizing fixes.

                        - the home page still isn't what i wanted, but as a beginner im not yet at a                              fancy level and also usability primes design which is what happens with                              pragmatic designs, all in all i appreciate the journey. although not                                        satisfactory i'll work on imrpoving and covering the gap .

Demo Links: 
  -  🔗 figma link 

Coolors  for color palette, Claude learning and asking questions, Lunacy initial wireframing, Figma.

Lessons Learned: 
Importance of reusable components, importance of usability over visual design as a pragmatic beginning designer.

- the improtance of components is quite a pain when you port to figma for sharing online after using lunacy and working offline 95% of the time with the other 5% being when loading the in app illustrations and resources since they'll be within reach. 

Future Improvements: 
Refine homepage design, add more detailed pages, consider development/features.

- well the starting pages arent that staisfactory basing on the design eye, but as a beginner i still dont know what to touch and how to improve it, but as of now i will move on to the next since i am a software developer by trade/ school so i still need to work on the other skills.
- i'll also try to prototype the other ones and add more resources to present it better.

- image resources & illustrions were  are attributed to lunacy and icons8 .
- all logos belong to their respective owners.

Download Project Assets: 
- sketch file (made with lunacy)
- flexible jobs logo - [color] [grayscale] [black].

Thank You:
I appreciate any critiques or suggestions that can help me continue improving my skills. What design elements worked well? What could be enhanced?

Flexible Jobs (Job Search Website Design)