During the following presentation, you will see our strategy for Dixie in a new campaign. Involved are three components. With the three components, Appeal, Interact, Reward, we hope to transition customers into clients. And establish that successful live long connection brands should wish to achieve with this type of advertising. 
This is the first of a few pieces entitled Dixie in Fine Art. With these we intend to attract and entertain. Using things like Pinterest, Tumblr, and Instagram we intend to appeal to our female demographic. (We do apologize for anyone viewing this as religious insensitivity, we just meant it as humorous and wanted prominent artwork)  In this section you will see our focus to appeal to our different demographics of men and women, both younger and older. 
We also want to appeal to everyones love of summer treats. Dixie cups add a bit of child nostaglia to a delicious treat. We intend to use mulitiple recipes to keep it fresh. Appearing on Pinterest. 
We also appeal to our younger demographic with common pop culture and product placement. Dixie rolls where the fun is, so where there is Dizie, fun can not be far behind. 
We also want to appeal to our male demographic. This not only reflects masculine qualities but the quality of Dizie product's strength. 
Cute DYI projects like this can appear on Pinterest and Instagram to get noticeablitiy. 
This section focuses on getting people to Interact with Dixie. 
This is a fun little game. Entitled Design my Dixie. This contest can be held for a number of holidays. Although the focus of this campaign is on summer. You can design your own plate. Share it on other social media. Look at other designs, rate them, see the most popular, randomize your design and other features. It can be done on mobile or home computer. 
This is Dare Devil Dixie. Launching into popular video social media like Vine, people can post videos of using Dixie products while being daring. As shown as an example, surfing with a Dixie plate. This is mainly to get our male crowd to interact. Making interacting with our customrers is a particularly challenging with this campaign. 
Example of Dixie in Fine art at work. 
This is an interactive recipe menus sponsored by Dixie. See great summer recipes (on Dixie plates of course). Email them or post them on other social media. Can be found at bus stops and subways. This is directly targeting areas of high traffic for middle income families/individuals. 
Here upi cam see a Dixie banner ad. The rolling plate would be an animation of a plate rolling across the banner.
This part is the Rewards section. 
We believe the most important reward is the time give back to families. With no time wasted on doing dishes we love families spending more time together. 
Not only family but those close friends as well. Welcome the good times!
This is a Dixie Reward page. Could be from an email, banner ad, game, etc. Dixie Rewards sends people couples for all their favorite summer snacks like burgers and hot dogs, sodas and chips. (Of course with the intention they buy more Dixie products to eat or drink them)
Often what we failed to realize is that Dixie has been around for years. It was with us as kids, for birthdays and holidays and all those special moments. The magic of nostalgia is irreplaceable. As a kid I remember having my favorite cartoon character on the little cup I would rinse my mouth with. It was the best feeling in the world. Dixie wants to share that feeling. 
Lastly Dixie wants to share a quality product. Strong, fun, relable, and affordable. 
Thank you!
Dixie Campaign

Dixie Campaign

I worked on this Dixie Campaign with Ashley Cobb. It was for a Social Media Class.


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