"Legs" 40*70 cm
3:25 explosions in Odesa continue. I'm in the bath. 
So let me tell you about my work. It is autobiographical.
9 years ago (in the summer of 2014), I broke my leg very badly (I had to do an operation and insert pins and a plate). It was a turning point for both me and my country.
So you understand my fixation on legs and pain. But I did not want to depict this suffering. And I wanted to present it more optimistically. Maybe even encouraging myself, with some kind of challenge, a little screaming or even a  cheeky)))
In this work, I wanted to show part of the cycle of life. As the past, present and future. What happened before, during, and after.
Yes, yes, I know it sounds too pathetic))) but so be it.
And finally - about the choice of colors. For some, "red is love, and black is grief." For someone - embroidery colors. Or maybe UPA colors?
This is my legs and i dont shame of it
My Legs illustration


My Legs illustration


