Objective : 
This app lets users to book venue for their corporate meetings, personal occasions, business meetings and etc.
Project Brief : 
Firstly main goal was to create a ui design for the vendor side of the app. Client had different UX team to take care of the app. Based on the UX team inputs.
Brainstorming / Mind - mapping :
After receiving the insights from the UX researchers, I had to brainstorm the Data that needed to be shown in the screens. Below are my initial layout and the data structure of the respective screens.
Design Problem : 
I Had basically two major problems to solve .
A) I had to revamp the design Aesthetics.
B) Solve UX issues : Meaning, the data heuristics in the design, Layout problems, keeping the icons within the reachable part of the screen increasing the proximity.
Reduce the complexities in the design making it harder to make decisions for the users.
Older screens (Needed Revamp)
New Design
Reflective Analysis : 
Though i have contributed to the design challenges i came across in this project, I am not really satisfied of the design. I feel I have a very long way to go. But i have learnt lot things that how to think from user's perspective. How make the design easier for them.
Thank You!
My Meeting APP UX/UI
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My Meeting APP UX/UI

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