
Shuiyuan Market Redesign Program

臺北市水源公有市場歷史十分悠久,自民國42年即已存在,因早期位於水道町,就是臺北市的水源地而得名,後來為整頓市容,民國69年興建水源大樓收納附近的攤販,數十年來建築逐漸老舊,臺北市政府再次進行改建,並邀請以色列藝術家Yaacov Agam製作大型公共藝術作品「水源之心」,新穎的大樓和藝術作品成為公館商圈的新地標。本次設計區域為水源市場及周邊道路攤販。水源市場共有兩層樓,一樓以美食、生活雜貨、水果、花卉等為主,水源市場美食不僅吸引無數老饕,也是附近臺大、師大學生找美食的勝地。 二樓賣場則有鮮肉攤、海鮮攤、沙龍、服飾修改等,服飾修改店家尤多,老闆們都是修改服飾專家,是臺北市永樂市場以外,最大的服飾修改店家聚集地。

The Taipei Shuiyuan Public Market has a long history and has existed since 42 years ago. It was named after its location in the town of Shui Dao, which is the source of Taipei City's water supply. Later, in order to clean up the cityscape, the Shuiyuan Building was constructed in 69 years ago to accommodate the vendors in the vicinity, but the building has gradually deteriorated over the past decades, so the Taipei City Government once again remodeled the building, and invited the Israeli artist Yaacov Agam to produce a large-scale public artwork called "The Heart of Shuiyuan". The new building and artwork have become a new landmark in the Gongguan business district. The design area is the Water Source Market and the surrounding road stalls. There are two floors in Shuiyuan Market, the first floor focuses on food, groceries, fruits, flowers, etc. The food in Shuiyuan Market not only attracts numerous gourmets, but is also a popular place for students from nearby National Taiwan University and National Taiwan Normal University to look for food. On the second floor, there are fresh meat stalls, seafood stalls, salons, and clothing alteration stores. There are especially many clothing alteration stores, and the proprietors are all experts in altering clothing, making it the largest gathering of clothing alteration stores outside of the Yongle Market in Taipei City.

Project objectives:
1. continue the building appearance characteristics and image, the building appearance to increase the night lighting design, and the original messy visual, design more unified and aesthetically pleasing
2. Develop a mascot to make the market image more profound. 
3. Re-planning and categorization of stalls 
4. Combine with Gongguan night market to develop special food to increase competitiveness. 
5. Cooperate with the Water Theater to expand the customer base.

Logo design and specification
Mascot Design
The three Vegetable Head Supermen, Eggplant, Garlic, and Gao, form the Water Supply Battle Team to guard the Water Supply Market every day. With this mysterious power of water, the market business is booming!

Environmental signage design

Basic Design Applications

Branded Projects​​​​​​​ Design

Festive Products Design
中秋水源​​​​​​​   l   中元水源   l   新春水源
Moon Festival   l   Lantern Festival  l   Lunar New Year
 l   水源市場 x 水源劇場藝文活動合作   l   

Environmental Peripheral System

logo設計 Logo Design |柳宜彤
吉祥物設計 Mascot Design |柳宜彤
標誌規範 Mascot Design |柯允若 / 彭綉絜
環境指示標誌 Environmental signage design |柳宜彤 / 彭綉絜
基本設計應用 Basic Design Applications |柯允若 / 洪郁茹 / 李姿瑢
周邊商品 Branded Products |洪郁茹 / 李姿瑢
節慶海報設計 Festive Poster Design |柳宜彤
節慶商品 Festive Products  |柯允若 / 洪郁茹 / 彭綉絜
環境周邊系統 Environmental Peripheral System |柯允若 / 洪郁茹 / 柳宜彤 / 彭綉絜 / 李姿瑢

- 此概念為學生概念作品,非實際提案
