From the perspectives of multiculturalism, heterogeneity, decentralization, anti-authoritarianism, and uncertainty, we emphasize the co-construction relationship with others. Under the unique cultural conditions of Indonesian shadow puppetry, the form continues the style of Javanese Hindu temple reliefs and has undergone historical transmission and evolution. In the Islamic doctrine that does not worship "human-shaped" idols, it takes the shadow shape of the variation of puppets and becomes a local cultural context. Puppeteers and musicians work together like magic to manipulate the souls of all characters.
The birthplace and style of shadow puppetry, as well as the characters and personalities, can inspire design concepts. Based on the emptying of the original ornamental meaning, through reconstruction in two or four directions, it is translated into a heterogeneous body of multiple symbols that are decorative motions. Such designs can guide the audience from passive spectators to flowing uncertainties, participating in the masterpieces of world cultural heritage.



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