Vaibhav Yadav Rishu 님의 프로필

Totoroto: A Ghibli Restaurant

Approach and Inspiration
My approach started with going through what exactly ‘Ghibli’ means and why there are what they are. Upon multiple research and ideas, I understood that ‘Ghibli’ stands for a hot desert wind blow which was used by Miyazaki to establish Ghibli Studios as a new wave in the anime industry.

For this particular restaurant, calmness and cozyness are the topmost and important factor. So for that I got some clean and silent colored inspiration. The movie, ‘My Neighbour Totoro’ reminded of the brand’s name so that character can be used as well.

Menu Design
Crafted with a sophisticated serif font and adorned with whimsical illustrations, the menu is a visual journey through the culinary offerings. Presented in a traditional Japanese folded book, it resonates with the calm and cozy ambiance of the restaurant.

The colors adds a touch of refinement, making the menu not just a guide to the dishes but a tangible extension of the TOTOROTO experience.

Social Media Creatives
These are a delightful extension of its brand, featuring Ghibli-styled illustrations of food that captivate the audience. Each post is a crafted artwork, showcasing dishes in the whimsical and enchanting style synonymous with Studio Ghibli.

The illustrations, imbued with the restaurant's signature colors, create a visual feast that resonates with both Ghibli enthusiasts and food lovers. These designs not only highlight the culinary offerings but also weave a narrative that invites followers into the magical world of TOTOROTO.

Graphics and Creative Copy
The graphics and creative copy of TOTOROTO Restaurant are meticulously designed to reflect the brand's essence.

Drawing inspiration from the enchanting world of Studio Ghibli, the visuals are imbued with a sense of calmness and coziness, while the copy tells a story that resonates with the sophisticated vibe of the restaurant. Together, they create a cohesive narrative that transports customers to a place stranded of time, full of warmth and wonder. 

Behind The Scenes

Thanks for going through the whole project!

If you are serious about your business, do not let your branding drop your sales!

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Totoroto: A Ghibli Restaurant


Totoroto: A Ghibli Restaurant
