Koro Sensei Digital Clean up
Original Model
I bought the original model's STL and took it into GOM to repair any holes and made the model "Water Tight" and scaled to the appropriate height. While Examining the model, the polygons were to large and would be visible when printing at the size that was required.
Clean Up Photos
After locating what was wrong with the model I began to smooth out the texture and repair the model for 3D printing.
Final polished model ready to be split for casting
Parts Split and ready for 3D Printing

After cleaning up the model by smoothing, redefining texture, and repairing any abnormalities, the next step was to get the model split and ready for Bronze casting.

The areas split were determined by how the parts would be casted, making sure that there would be a successful pour of metal that would get to all parts of the model.
Koro Sensei Remodel
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Koro Sensei Remodel

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