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Activities for Learning to Sing - Jugando a Cantar

Jugando a Cantar: Activities for Learning to Sing in 1st and 2nd Grade - The present material covers concepts ranging from the use of the voice as a musical instrument: how vocal sound originates and which organs are involved in it, curricular aspects to consider for 1st and 2nd grade as stipulated by the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), to elements of musical language. Finally, a section with activities is included where the voice is the main tool, allowing students and teachers to play, learn, and have fun through singing and music.

Jugando a Cantar: Actividades para aprender a cantar en 1° y 2° básico - En el presente material se abordan conceptos desde el uso de la voz como instrumento musical: cómo se origina el sonido vocal y cuáles son los órganos implicados en él, aspectos curriculares a tener en cuenta para 1° y 2° básico estipulados por el Ministerio de Educación (MINEDUC), hasta elementos del lenguaje musical. Finalmente, se incorpora un apartado con actividades donde la voz es herramienta principal, donde los estudiantes y docentes podrán jugar, aprender y divertirse a través del canto y la música.

E-mail  —  estudiooz.cl@gmail.com

Activities for Learning to Sing - Jugando a Cantar


Activities for Learning to Sing - Jugando a Cantar
