Social Media Management

Part of the mission should be to destigmatize mental health issues. Provide education on mental disorders, debunking misconceptions, and promoting understanding and empathy.
I kept a consistent schedule for his posts. Used scheduling tools to ensure content is posted at optimal times for their audience. I offered a variety of content, including tips for managing stress, anxiety, and depression, explanations about different mental disorders, stories of overcoming, self-care techniques, and relaxation exercises.
As a Social Media Manager, my focus was to create an online space that inspires, educates, and supports those seeking mental and emotional balance in their lives.

Empathy and Sensitivity: The client recognizes that mental health is a sensitive and personal issue. In this case, communication is based on empathy, respect, and understanding of the struggles people face. Every word, image, and message is designed to create a genuine connection and show that you are not alone on your journey. 

Grounded Information: Trust is paramount. I was committed to sharing information backed by experts in the field of mental health. Whether it's stress management techniques, disorder explanations, or wellness tips, each post is backed by the latest research and best practices.

Inclusiveness and Diversity:  The client knows that mental health affects people of all ages, genders, cultures, and experiences. The proposed content reflects this diversity and seeks to be a welcoming space for all. We appreciate the diverse voices and stories of success that enrich this account community. 

Branding and website: oncenueve estudio
Social Media Management

Social Media Management
