Orangutan is the Malay word for Orangutan is a Malay word meaning "man of the forest" (Orang=man, Hutan=forest)
means "forest man" in Malay language.
Orangutans eat mainly fruit. and scatters fruit seeds as feces in the forest. seeds as feces, creating a cycle that nurtures the forest. The colorful colors of this artwork are created by the fruit and the
The colorful colors of this work represent fruits and forest plants. the forest plants, and the trees at the foot of the
the trees at the foot of the tree were inspired by the forests the tree at the foot of the tree is an image of the forest that the orangutan makes.

Title: Man of Forest [Orangutan]
Parts count: 33pcs
Size: 116(W) x 130(H) x 20(D)mm
Man of Forest [Orangutan]


Man of Forest [Orangutan]
