Safirhan (The Sapphire Inn) is the quintessential fantasy inn-where-the-story-begins, but in oriental style. It is a caravanserai situated on the Great River, the main trade and transportation artery which runs throughout the realm.
The building and its surroundings were modeled on the Ishak Pasha Caravanserai in Eastern Anatolia. It’s floorplan has been tweaked to fit into a fantasy story.
The original Caravanserai is in an arid location. Our version was supposed to be on a rocky peninsula jutting into the river proper. Thus, architectural modifications were made on the original structure.
The cortyards are well-shaded by palm trees.
We drew on classical oriental architecture forms for ornamental details.
The inner courtyard was designed as a place where the guards and personnel of the inn gather.
The main building of the inn has a majestic entrance framed with water-lion statues.
The walls inside sport frescos of revelers.
The model was first conceived on architectural plans.
The magical giant sapphire at the center of the inn gives the establishment its fabled name.
The inn rooms on the seaside are planned as premium rooms.
High terrace walkways reach all over the place.
A large front courtyard is where caravans park their camels, and travellers leave their rides.
Terrace walkways at sunset...
Safirhan, the Sapphire Inn

Safirhan, the Sapphire Inn

Safirhan (The Sapphire Inn) is the quintessential fantasy inn-where-the-story-begins, but in oriental style. It is a caravanserai situated on the Read More
