Easy to use cargo mobility service provides relaxing pedestrian travel between public transport services @Transbord
TransBoard is a service that provides relaxing pedestrian travel and alleviates the weight of luggage from commuters’ shoulders. The design is complimented by the seamless transformation between a cargo vehicle and a suitcase.

The new system interconnects docking stations at train stations and bus stops. It is a hugely convenient service allowing commuters to walk out of a station, pick up a board instantly and go.

All public transport users have a transition in their journey, be it travelling from their home to the station, or walking through underground subways when changing trains. TransBoard makes all of those short journeys easier and more progressive.

If pedestrian numbers increase, congestion could be reduced on the Underground. Enticing more people to choose public transport for their travel in London would mean less motor vehicles on the road and a great reduction in carbon emissions. It is a vitally important step toward building an efficient mobility infrastructure to transport the overwhelming population of the future.

At present it also provides the public with a safer alternative to cycling by utilising the safety of the pavement and travelling close to walking pace.


Easy to use cargo mobility service provides relaxing pedestrian travel between public transport services @Transbord TransBoard alleviates the we Read More
