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How to Make the ‘Harbour City’ Your Home

How to Make the ‘Harbour City’ Your Home

I moved to Sydney from China at the age of 30. I had a reputation for earning an award for the 'best performer' the year I joined. And seeing my track record, I was sent to Sydney to take my skill sets to the next level.

Like many, visiting the 'Harbour City' was one of the things on my bucket list. But like any other expat, I also faced some teething problems. 

So I have come up with some recommendations based on my experience to help you get accustomed to the ‘happening’ city easily. Give it a read.

Do Your Research 

It is natural for anyone to experience a slight cultural shock while shifting to another state or country. If you are new to Sydney do enough research about the 'Emerald City’ by visiting websites and reading magazines. Aussie’s have a certain accent and they use certain slang words. So, one of the ways to speak with their accent is to drop the end sounds of words and replace them with the 'a' sound. Study how they pronounce words like water, car, mirror, etc. Watch Aussie movies, news, and documentaries. This will be an excellent way to learn the way they speak. Some slang words often used by them are 'barbie' for barbeque, 'g'day/ gidday' for a good day and 'arvo' for the afternoon. Make this a consistent practice for hassle-free communication with the Sydneysiders.

Explore The Diverse Food Culture

The Aussie food scene is worth trying for all. Sydney, home to a multicultural crowd, is renowned for its diverse range of restaurants. And you can pick and choose one based on the cuisines you feel like trying that day- Australian, Mediterranean, Asian, European, Indian, etc. are some of them. Each restaurant offers something unique in terms of cuisine, hospitality, dining experience, etc. You can dine at Farm-to-table restaurants, fine-dining restaurants, seafood restaurants, sky-dining restaurants, and much more. For a waterfront dining experience, you can try a harbour cruise offering dinner and drinks. All of these will be a perfect experience for you to try and soak up the atmosphere. 


Next, make sure you can find out the different ways to socialise and make friends. Go for happening events or check out the Meetup app. A random search on the app can help you find the meetups happening nearby or online for various groups based on their interests. If you are health conscious, you can also join a gym. Be a part of the clubs like the nearest Toastmasters Clubs. It's a great platform to make friends easily and improve your public speaking skills. Seize the opportunity to be part of functions organised by those you befriend there. 

Be Patient with Yourself

Bonds grow better with time. So remind yourself that it is ok to take some time to befriend people. Your research will have given you some tips on what Sydneysiders may like. Use that as a starting point to initiate conversations. It might look like stepping out of your comfort zone. But remind yourself that doing such things always comes with great rewards.

With these handy tips, you will certainly learn the Aussie ways of living and get to know people in time. Soon parties and get-togethers hosted at fine dining restaurants or on a boat with dinner in Sydney will become your favourite occasions to meet and befriend people, as they did for me. 
How to Make the ‘Harbour City’ Your Home

How to Make the ‘Harbour City’ Your Home


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