Courtney Young's profile

Moriarty "Mori" Jones

Meet Moriarty
Moriarty "Mori" Jones is a specter of his former self, or at least he thinks so,,, He's now an eternal 19 year old who spends his purgatory skating around in Portland, OR and its suburbs. He enjoys the stereotypical hipster haunts of the record store, coffee shop, and local skate parks. It's not all fun and games when he has to take on the ghastly responsibilities of adulthood as a ghost and the odd jobs that come with it. He doesn't particularly enjoy the haunt, but he's finding his own methods through it. While he doesn't remember much about his life time, he's finding solace in music... and just maybe it could be the key to his past.
Progression Sketches
Full Page Spread

Moriarty "Mori" Jones


Moriarty "Mori" Jones

A character design for an upcoming comic
