Segments Mall

Segments Avenue

Location: Al Hosary, 6th of october City, Egypt
Owner: Capital Elite Developments 
Design Architect: Jawark Designs
Function: Mixed-use Commercial
Area: 13,150 m2
Status: Conceptual Design

Design Concept:
Form Generation:
Segments is an ambitious architectural project that combines commercial and office spaces, catering to the needs of modern businesses in a prime location. This multi-level building boasts a striking design that seamlessly blends functionality with aesthetic appeal.
The ground floor of Segments is dedicated to commercial use, providing a vibrant and inviting space for businesses to showcase their products and services. With its spacious layout and strategically placed display windows, this floor offers an ideal setting for retail outlets, cafes, and other commercial ventures. The open concept design creates a welcoming atmosphere, attracting foot traffic and fostering a sense of community.
Moving up to the next three floors, Segments transforms into a hub of productivity and innovation. These typical office floors offer a professional environment designed to inspire creativity and enhance productivity. The layout has been thoughtfully crafted to accommodate a variety of office setups, from traditional cubicles to modern open-plan workspaces. Abundant natural light floods the interiors, creating an uplifting ambiance, while state-of-the-art technology infrastructure ensures seamless connectivity and efficiency.
Beneath the bustling commercial and office spaces, Segments offers two basement levels dedicated to parking. With ample parking spaces available, both employees and visitors can conveniently access the building, ensuring a hassle-free experience. The basement levels are equipped with modern security systems and efficient traffic flow management to ensure safety and convenience for all.
Segments Mall
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