Forbidden Waters is my first game and it's available for download on the app store. It is a bullet hell about a pirate that goes to an abandoned ship seeking for a treasure, and the he encounters furious ghosts of the crew. 

For the title of this game I used the font LiteBulb 8-bit with some modifications to look a little gooey (reminding the ghosts), as well as some waves to fix the idea of water/sea.

As for the app icon I've made it on procreate, I choose the pirate to be the face and made a more detailed version of him. He is making an intimidating expression to show that he is not afraid of the perils, some of the colors are more saturated compared to the real design too, that's because the icon needs to stand out to bring the attention of the user.
This video shows a little of the gameplay, you can see all the assets and animation being used together.
The title screen has the same scenario as the main game scene (just resized), that's because of tight schedule. You can see the game title and also a text showing how to start the game, there's also a settings button on the top corner.

For the game over title I've used the font Karmatic Arcade, and for other texts Jupiter Crash.
My visual references used to make Forbidden Waters were most from games like Exit the gungeon, Sea of thieves, Touhou project, Terraria and Shovel knight. Some great artists on ArtStation also inspired me, and of course, Spongebob Squarepants.
These are some animations that I've created for this game. 
From top to bottom: Player walking, Player jumping, Player dying, Enemy walking, Enemy spawning.
Forbidden Waters

Forbidden Waters
