"Hantungan ng Alaala" (The end of memory)
Paper size: 20x20inches
Eraser stamp and found object relief print
Exhibited at "Space/Place" organized by the Association of Pinoyprintmakers
Bulwagang Roberto Chabet, Tanghalang Ignacio Jimenez, Cultural Center of the Philippines.

Edition of 4 Variation prints.
Artist statement:
This piece is dedicated to the people we lost and were unable to mourn during the strictest days of the lockdown.

There are familiar faces that I have grown accustomed to in my capacity as a writer. Some of these people I've grown close to while some remain as familiar strangers. This sense of familiarity and being aware of each other's existence is a source of personal comfort.

However, the pandemic lockdown cause missed opportunities to mourn in a traditional sense where people gather. It has left me experiencing the absence of those who have passed on like any other day when they are living their own lives.

Now that we have returned outside, I still catch myself looking for these people among the familiar crowds we once frequented together.

We may not have the chance to mourn, so we take comfort in keeping the memories of their best selves with us.
Hantungan ng Alaala
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Hantungan ng Alaala

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