Childhood (Summer)

The first panel symbolizes summer, youth, and life. The young bear is naïve and stares at the tree in a happy and carefree way, seeing one of his dead brothers climbing the tree. This childhood naiveté is something many of us face, believing that we will never die or that we are indestructible, when in fact we face death everyday, staring it in the face.
Middle Age (Autumn)

The second panel symbolizes fall, middle age, and acceptance. The bear is no longer naïve, but knowledgeable and wise, knowing full well his fate. He travels up the hill following the leaf that leads him onward through life. He no longer smiles, but rather is content with his life. The tree still lurks in the background, but is no longer separate from him. The small bunny looks up to him, foreshadowing his death.
Death (Winter)

The third and final panel symbolizes winter, death, and peace. The bear has passed away and has found peace knowing that he has traveled through a wonderful and long life. The roots of the tree are now touching and slowly engulfing him, bringing him to the earth. The white winter bunny that sits just above the bear symbolizes the life that the bear brings to our earth with his passing.


The travel of a bear’s life could also symbolize our life. The looming dark tree is the impending and inevitable death that haunts the bear throu 자세히 보기
